If you would like to order a uniform please reach out to us with uniform specifications and sizing. Having the brand of shirts and pants helps expedite the ordering process.
We did take over 911 Uniforms so if you were a client of theirs please let us know and we may be able to get the information for you.
We offer custom websites for each department or company to order all their uniform or apparel needs. All websites are currently free and we do not charge for setup or maintenance.
Each site has a department administrator that can add or remove officers, dispatchers, firemen, Etc. Uniform ordering can be limited to rank or position with the department. Allowances can be allocated and tracked for each user setup on the website.
All orders from the website are viewable by the website administrator with status updates to track your orders. Orders can also show waiting for approval so no items get ordered without proper approval.
If you would like to work with us and have a custom website or a Demo of one please give us a call or email us for more information. Websites can be up and running within a Week once provided with all the proper information for your department or company.
We're excited to start working on your custom apparel project! Use the form below to tell us more about what you're looking for, and a member of our team will get back to you promptly.